Publications & Articles

What is about?
My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, I welcome you all to a deep relationship with our Mighty Jesus through
From our pioneering missionaries as they set foot in Tanzania in 1979, to retreat Centres and prayer houses in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda: we have been reaching thousands of the faithful by the Grace of God.
As the pandemic of Covid19 has impacted the globe, through government action of social distancing, closure of churches, prayer meetings and general gatherings to contain the spread of this infectious disease, it has also brought about a challenge to the faithful to receive and hear the Word of our Mighty God.
After several hours or prayer, reflection and discernment – The Lord has guided us to create this unique digital platform to reach all those in spiritual need.
Through technology the Lord has bestowed his grace upon the faithful with the opportunity to read books, articles and listen to audio recordings online and FREE. These have been made available in various languages. The faithful can also keep upto date on daily readings with deep insight
reflections by Fr. (Dr.) John Parankimalil SDB and even watch our youtube channel – (see videos). What’s more: you can have a one-on-one counselling session with Fr. (Dr.) Antony Parankimalil VC by booking an appointment (see counselling session) on any available free slot. He is available for 15 mins sessions on most Fridays between 9pm and 11pm East Africa Standard Time. This is open to anyone – anywhere in the world.
Please feel free to reach out to intercessory team with your prayer and spiritual requests through emails, post, sms, and on the website and our team will intercede for your prayer intentions daily, through the Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and the Divine mercy chaplet.
Please also review our program calendar so you don’t miss out on any retreats or programs that we may be conducting on an ongoing basis.
We will continuously update the site – and for those who subscribe, they will receive not only the daily homily and reflections but any new updates that our team will be undertaking through the guidance on the Holy spirit.

Custodian – Fr. Antony
Fr. Dr. Antony Parankimalil VC (Fr. Shibu Sebastian) born on May 20, 1978, is a Catholic Priest belonging to the Divinekigali Congregation in India. Ordained on December 28, 2004, he started his ministry at Tabor Divine Retreat Centre in Mumbai.
He then moved to Kenya in different capacities, first as Rector of the Divinekigali Theology Students, then as Director of Divinekigali Prayer House at Lavington and from 2010 was in-charge of the Divinekigali Retreat Centre, Thika. After 8 years of ministry work in Kenya, he moved to Rome and completed his Masters and then PhD in Spiritual Theology at the Angelicum University. He has worked as the Asst. Director and Procurator at the Divine Mercy Prayer Centre in New Jersey and as the Director of Carmel Divine Retreat Centre in Darlington, U.K.
Currently he is the Superior and Director at the Divinekigali Retreat Centre, Entebbe and works as a part-time Lecturer at the University of Kisubi in Uganda. He is also preparing to start a new Divine Retreat Centre in Kigali, Rwanda.
He has also travelled extensively to preach the Good news, spanning five continents including the US, Australia, Europe, China, South Korea, Mexico, UAE, Bahrain, Singapore and most of the African continent.
Thought For The Day
February 11th, 2025
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The DirectorDivinekigali Retreat Centre
Entebbe, P.B. No.200, Uganda